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看影片學 GRI 準則:MSC 完美演繹 GRI 101-7 清晰性報導原則

by Mediterranean Shipping Company | 發佈於 Jan 15, 2019

環境、社會、公司治理(Environmental、Social and Governance,簡稱 ESG)代表3個企業社會責任面項,提供企業衡量可持續發展的影響力

環境、社會、公司治理,(Environmental、Social and Governance,簡稱 ESG)代表3個企業社會責任面項,提供企業衡量可持續發展的影響力。

領導力企管編輯團隊為您選播來自 MSC 2017 Sustainability Report 的企業社會責任報告書精華影片,資料來源與版權歸屬皆為 (Mediterranean Shipping Company,MSC)。這則影片主題為 MSC 2017 企業社會責任報告書重點績效摘錄。領導力企管編輯團隊為您選播這則影片的主要目的是,提醒國內各大企業執行 CSR 報告書前置作業時,務必再次研讀 GRI 101 基礎 Foundation 的標準內容。尤其是 揭露項目 GRI 101-7 清晰性(Disclosure 101-7 Clarity),強調 "報導組織呈現資訊的方式,應讓使用資訊的利害關係人易於理解和取得。the reporting organization shall make information available in a manner that is understandable and accessible to stakeholders using that information. 

而歐美頂尖企業在呈現CSR 報告書的方式,透過1段3分鐘不到的影片,就足以讓利害關係人留下當年度企業社會責任作為的深刻印象,相較於國內報告書,仍然是文字多於圖片與影像的現象,領導力企管特別選播 MSC 2017 Sustainability Report 企業社會責任報告書精華影片,作為案例分享,以下提供影片字幕全文中英對照。資料來源與版權歸屬皆為 MSC。

MSC is proud to announce the release of its 2017 Sustainability Report. We are a family company led by strong values. Being a sustainable business is the nature extensional of these values. Our sustainability strategy is based on 4 pillars.


  1. Social Inclusion 社會包容:We seek to alleviate poverty by contributing to inclusive social and economic growth wherever we operate. For example, we offer local job opportunities, and training welfare support in west Africa. 公司運作的同時,我們會尋求以減少貧困的方式促進社會包容和經濟成長。例如:在西非我們提供當地居民工作機會、訓練和福利援助。
  2. Environment 環境:We are fully committed to enhancing the energy efficiency of our ships and minimizing our CO2 emissions. Our award-winning modern green fleet improves its missions performance every year. :致力於提升船舶能源使用效率及降低二氧化碳排放量,我們每年都獲得現代綠色艦隊優等獎且表現持續進步。
  3. Health and Safety 健康與安全:We seek to provide employees with a safe and healthy environment both onshore and at sea. For instance, we offer world-class training to promote health and safety ensuring a 98% crew retention rate. 不論是在岸上或是海上,我們致力於提供員工安全健康的環境。我們提供世界一流的訓練提升健康與安全,保證有98%的船員留任率。
  4. Business ethics and protection of human rights 商業道德與人權保護:MSC is committed to conducting business in a fair, ethical and responsible manner. MSC致力於公平、道德和負責任的商業模式。

We are proud to support human rights beyond compliance in the developing well by partnering with Mercy Ships. We help deliver free world-class health services to vulnerable people.
We are also an active participant of the UN Global Compact and a committed to supporter of  the UN Sustainable development goals. Within this framework year after year more than 70,000 MSC people worldwide implement our responsible and sustainable approach to business wherever we operate on land, or at sea.

我們很自豪能夠藉由Mercy Ships支持人權發展。我們幫助弱勢群體,為他們提供世界級的醫療服務。主動積極參與聯合國全球契約並支持永續發展目標。在這個架構下,年復一年MSC在全球有超過7萬名夥伴在陸地或是海上執行負責任及永續的商業態度。

以上資料來源與版權歸屬皆為 MSC,由領導力企管編輯團隊執行字幕英翻中,最終語意解釋權仍歸屬 MSC。


